Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954) Saturday 11 June 1949
32809Mrs. Augustus Marie Lange,
who died at the Natimuk (Wim-
mera) Hospital a month ago, had
several relatives and friends in
the Mount Gambier District.
A daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Gottleib Klowss, Mrs. Lange
lived all her life in the Natimuk
district where she was well known
for her generous support to
church and charitable organisations.
For 20 years she was President
of the Lutheran Church Ladies'
Guild, in which organisation she
was an ardent worker for the
New Guinea, Hermannsburg and
other missions.
She acted as judge for many
years of fancy work in district
Her funeral at the Natimuk
cemetery was largely attended.