Moad Oates - Person Sheet
NameMOAD, Sarah
, GG Aunt
Birth17 Dec 1872, Spring Hill, NSW244
Death20 Sep 1962, Spring Hill, NSW244,245 Age: 89
Memoreg. Blayney
Burial21 Sep 1962, Blayney, NSW244
Leader (Orange, NSW : 1899 - 1945) Wed 22 May 1907246
(From our Correspondent).THE PARKER—MOAD WEDDING,The marriage of Mr. William At-k>ns Parker to Miss Sarah Moad tookplace at the Methodist Church, SpringHill, on Wednesday, May 8th, In thepresence of their relatives, and frien-ds. The church was decoratedwith arches of white chrysanthemumsand greenery, with initials in whiteand silver of the contracting parties,with tall palms and ferns, and largefloral with white streamers. As thebride entered the church on the armor her father, the choir rendered thehymn ''The voice that bratbed o'erEden." The bride, who was givenaway by her father, wore a charmingdress of cream Sicilian, trimmed withParis lace, chenille embroidered, thetrain being richly trimmed with creamsilk applique. A wreath of orangeblossoms, and a handsome embroideredveil completed the costume. Hershower bouquet of camelias, rosesbouvardlas, and ferns, also a goldpendant set with sapphires andpearls, were gifts of the bridegroom.Miss Lizzie Moad, the bride's sister,acted'as her bridesmaid, wear-ing a dainty dress of cream serge,trimmed with emeralds, green velvet,and cream silk ornaments. Her whitefelt hat was trimmed with whitewings and pink chrysanthemums, andshe carried a bouquet ot pink chrysanthemumsand ferns, and wore agold pendant set with pearls, giftsof the bridegroom. Mr. Dare actedas best man.Prior to the ceremony, which wasperformed by the Rev. J. B. Penman,the bride was presented by that gentlemanwith a very handsome silvertea and coffee service, the gift of herfriends connected with the church,The rev. gentleman referred verynicely to Miss Moad's enthusiasm inall church work and wished her, onbehalf ot the subscribers, every happlness.At the conclusion of the ceremony,tbi: hymn "O, Perfect Love" was renderedby the choir, and as the bridalparty were leaving the church, thewedding march was played by MissElsie Davis, organist, accompaniedby Mr. A. Capps (violin).After the ceremony, the" guests repairedto "Little, Springs," the residenceof the bride's father, where areception was held. Here a largejtarquee had been erected, in whichbreakfast was served and the usualtoasts honored.The Rev. J. B. Penman proposed"The Bride and Bridegroom, Mr. R.H. Lalor "The Bridesmaids," Mr.Pearce "The Bride's Parents." Thosewere respectively responded to by thebridegroom, Mr. Dare, and Mr.Moad, senr.The presents, which were ' displayedin the drawing room, were unusuallynumerous and costly., To enumeratethem, Mr. Editor, would maketoo great a demand on your space.They amply demonstrated the esteemin which the recipient was held.Later in the evening, Mr. and Mrs.Parker left, amid showe'rs of con-tetti, for their new home In the Blayneydistrict The travelling dresswas a smart Eton coat and skirt otfawn French cloth, the fronts of thecoat being of hand-embroldered: silkin brown and cream and trimmed withnarrow bronze silk braid. She worea heliotrope hat, trimmed with pan-sies, maiden hair ferns, and ospreys.The dresses were made by Miss Ma-ley. of East Orange.Subsequent to their departure, theguests were entertained and a pleasanttime was spent by all.A few days prior to the weddingsMiss Moad was tendered a farewellsocial by her numerous friends. Advantagewas. taken ot the occasionto make a presentation of a handsomeclock, on behalf of her Sunday, schoolclass. The presentation was madeby the Rev. J. B. Penman in a compl'mentaryspeech, and was suitablyacknowledged by the recipient Asan active church worker and onewhose sympathy and aid were neverwenting in any worthy cause, thedeparture of such a lady will be verymuch felt. Her many friends wishher every happiness and prosperityin her future-home.
Death20 Sep 1957, Blayney, NSW244,249,250 Age: 90
Marriage8 May 1907, Spring Hill, NSW251,252