Moad Oates - Person Sheet
NameWHITMEE, Charles 
Birth1860, Mount Pleasant, Bathurst, NSW5440,4145
MemoOrange, NSW
BurialMethodist Cemetery, Canowindra, NSW5442
Molong Express and Western District Advertiser (NSW : 1887 - 1954)
Mr. Charles Whitmee, of 'Bright-
on,' Canowindr
a, an old and esteemedresident of that district, passed awayin a private hospital at that town onSaturday night. Mr. Whitmee waswalking in the main street on Satur-day morning when he felt a strokecoming on. His son conveyed him tothe hospital, but, despite the best oftreatment, he died about 9 o'clock. Hewas a native of Bathurst, where hewas born in 1851, and was a son of thelate Mr. and Mrs. George Whitmee.About 40 years ago he settled in theCanowindra district and followed graz-ing pursuits. He married a Miss Chap-man and one son was born of theunion. Both are left to mourn theloss of a fond husband and father. Fora number of years Mr. Whitmee wasa councillor of the Boree Shire andwas also a member of the Molong P.P.Board. The interment took place inthe Methodist portion of the Canow-indra cemetery. Ald. S. A. Whitmee,of Orange, is a nephew.
Birth11 Jan 1863, Bathurst, NSW88
Death19 Oct 1938, Canowindra, NSW88,5439 Age: 75
Marriage22 Oct 1890, Orange, NSW88,5443