Moad Oates - Person Sheet
NameKAY, Elizabeth
ImmigrationDec 1916 Age: 65
Death26 Dec 1916, Guyong, NSW4401 Age: 65
Leader (Orange, NSW : 1899 - 1945) Fri 29 Dec 1916
.The funeral of the late Mrs. Fish-er, wife of Mr. Edward Holdern Fish-er, of Guyong, took place on Tues-day. The burial took place in theMethodist portion of the local ceme-tery, the service being conducted bythe Rev. W. T. Dyer, who gave ashort description of the deceased'slife, showing her devotion and attach-ment to her church, and the noblecharacter she bore, which endearedher to all whom she came in contactwith. The deceased leaves a hus-band and six children to mourn theirloss, viz., Mrs. Steel and Mrs. Thom-as (Sydney), and Mrs. W. Kingham(Parkes), and William and George(Sydney), Hurtle (Guyong). The lateMrs. Fisher was 67 years of age, andthe daughter of the late Mr. J. Kay,was born at Guyong, where she spentall her life, being one of the oldestand most respected residents.