Moad Oates - Person Sheet
NameWHITMEE, Samuel 
Birth1865, Mount Pleasant, Bathurst, NSW8832,4145
Death5 Jul 1931, Orange, NSW5441,8833 Age: 66
Molong Express and Western District Advertiser (NSW : 1887 - 1954)
Mr. Samuel Whitmee.
The death occurred at Orange
on Sunday night of a very highly
esteemed resident of Orange in
the person of Ald. Samuel Whit-
mee, who for the past six months
had been ailing in health. Throu-ghout the whole of the district, inwhich he had spent the greaterportion of his life, Mr. Whitmeehad gained the deep regard of allclasses, and his death is regrettedall circles. His passing marks theconclusion of a life that was spentin the interests of his fellows, andof a man whose uppermost though-ts were for the advancement ofAustralia and Australians. He wasborn at Bathurst 67 years ago,and when a lad of 14 years mov-ed on to Millthorpe, where theWhitmee family purchased the'Hawthorn Dell ' property, whichderived its name from the fivemiles of hawthorn hedge plantedthere by an Englishman who wasa prior owner. Here he and hisbrothers carried on scientific far-ming operations, and the holdingwas known as one of the mosthighly improved and prolific crop-pers in a rich district. From earlymanhood he took a keen interestin Local Government affairs. Theappointment of the first provin-cial council for the CanobolasShire found him occupying a seatto attend to the wants of the dis-trict, and of the first electedcouncil in 1907 he filled the posi-tion of president. Shortly afterthat the Government appointedhim to the Closer SettlementBoard, and the duties he was call-ed upon to perform on this bodyleft him with insufficient time toattend to the needs of the shire,and he resigned. In 1914, 'Haw-thorn Dell' was disposed of, andAld. Whitmee took up his resid-ence in Orange, and in 1922 theconfidence that the people of thetown manifested in him wasshown by his election to theMunicipal Council. As an alder-man, which office he held up untilthe time of his death, he provedhimself as a man with progressiveideas. In 1930 he occupied theposition of Mayor of Orange andduring that term he officially re-presented Orange at the openingof the Molong swimming bathsand also at the official switchingon of the electric light undertak-ing. At an earlier period he wasone of the speakers at the openingof the Molong Hospital maternityward, in connection with the erec-tion of which the Whitmee fam-ily played an honored and gener-ous part. During the Great Warhe did perhaps his greatest workfor Australians. Imbued with thedesire to do something for the menof the continent, who were inFrance, he, in 1916, went to Eng-land on his own behalf, and, onthe advice of Sir Neville Howse,joined the Red Cross contingentworking amongst the soldiers.Here his wishes to be of servicewere materialised, for the self-im-posed works he undertook meantmuch to the suffering and maim-ed men from the battlefields. Asin Australia the quality of theman was speedily recognised, andhe was appointed to take chargeof two huge camps. It was whilstengaged in this work that the sadnews was conveyed to him of thedeath of his son, Harold, who waskilled in action. After the war, hereturned to Orange and spent themajority of his time in civic mat-ters. Politics also attracted his in-terest, and at one time he stoodfor the Country Party against ex-Senator ' Jupp' Gardiner, andwas defeated by only 250 votes. Inthe business world his abilitieswere also recognised. Ald. Whit-mee was twice married, and Mr.Stan Whitmee, of Sale Street, isthe only surviving child of theunion, whilst Mrs. Whitmeeand two young daughters— Mar-ion and Leonie — are left to mournthe loss of a dear one from thesecond marriage. Ever since he re-linquished the position of Mayor,Ald. Whitmee had been in ill-health, and for six months hadbeen confined to his room or thehouse. His death was due to lungtrouble. Mr. Charles Whitmee, ofLockwood, is now the only surviv-ing member of the original family.The funeral took place on Tues-day afternoon.
Birth14 Feb 1864, Castlereagh, NSW88
Death2 Jul 1895, Sydney, NSW88,8831 Age: 31
Memoparents John, Mary
Marriage7 Apr 1891, Spring Hill, NSW88,8834
Birth1886, Petersham, NSW8835
Death1952, Orange, NSW8836 Age: 66
Marriage1921, Burwood, NSW8837