Moad Oates - Person Sheet
NameHAWKE, Robert Theodore 
Birth1867, Orange, NSW9080
Leader (Orange, NSW : 1899 - 1945) Mon 3 Apr 19399082
After an illness extending overmany weeks, the death occurred in anOrange private hospital of Mr. RobertTheodore Hawke. The deceased wasa native of Orange and had residedin this district for 50 years, thelast 16 of which were spent onMarch Road, where he carried onfarming pursuits. Mr. Hawke, in theearly days was the proprietor ofdrapery shop in Anson Street. Be-sides a widow, he is survived by twobrothers, Messrs. Percy (Melbourne)and Norman (Sydney) and one sis-ter, Miss Blanche Hawke, of Orange.His funeral will leave the Presby-thePresbyterianterian Church to-day after a shortservice at 11 a.m., and thence to theChurch of England portion of the Or-ange cemetery. Mrs. Frank Ford andSons have charge of the arrange-ments.
Birthca 1868
Death16 May 1953, Orange, NSW9083,9084 Age: 85
Marriage1907, Millthorpe, NSW9085