Moad Oates - Person Sheet
NameBREITWEISER, Katharina 
Birthca 1810
Death23 Jan 18779154 Age: 67
Clarence and Richmond Examiner and New England Advertiser (Grafton, NSW : 1859 - 1889) Sat 27 Jan 18779154
STRAUSS-On the-23rd instant, at the residence ofher son-in-law, Mr Alderman JORDAN, Queen-street, Grafton, suddenly, KATHERINA STRAUSS,the beloved wife of Mr JOHN STRAUSS, of this city,aged 67 years, leaving a sorrowing husband and alarge family and circle of friends to lament theirloss.
Birthca 1804
Death1879, Grafton, NSW9153 Age: 75