Moad Oates - Person Sheet
NameBOSWORTH, William James 
Birthca 1826, Aukland, New Zealand9189,9190
Lithgow Mercury (NSW : 1898 - 1954) Wed 24 Jun 19259189
DEATH OF OLD PIONEER.BATHURST, Monday.The death occurred on Sunday, of Mr.
William James Bosworth, who claimed tobe Bathurst 's oldest man. He was in his99th year. He was born at Auckland(N.Z.). Deceased took up farming in theBathurst district over 70 years ago.
National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954) Mon 22 Jun 19259190
The death is announced of Bath-urst's oldest man, in the person ofMr. William James Bosworth of 101Rankin street, in his 99th year. De-ceased was born in Auckland, NewZealand, and had resided in Bathurstfor over 70 years. Up till Tuesdaylast deceased led a most active life,and it was his won to prepare thefires and chop the wood, a duty whichhe performed almost up to the day hetook ill. On Tuesday last he contract-ed a cold, from which serious condi-tions developed, and he died on Fri-day night. Mr. Bosworth lived inthe dark days of Bathurst, and hecould recount many stories of bush-ranging, gold rushes and convicts.His wife predeceased him by abouteight years. He is survived by fivedaughters and three sons, Mrs. Mc-Ginniskin (Stockton), Mrs Sullivan(Sydney), Mrs. Crabb (Fremantle,W.A.), Mrs. Wray (Lithgow), Mrs.Honeyman (Raglan), and Messrs. Wil-liam (Bathurst), Elijah (Bogan Gate)and Ernest (Amaroo). The funeraltook place yesterday afternoon, theremains being interred in the Metho-dist portion ot the local cemetery, be-side the remains of his late wife. TheRev. F. J. Ball officiated at the graveside.Troubles never come singly.
Birth5 Apr 1843, Bathurst, NSW9192
Death1917, Bathurst, NSW9193 Age: 73