Stephens Pharo - Person Sheet
NamePHARO, Jane Elizabeth (Jinnie)
, GG Grandmother
Birth11 Apr 1875, Wandsworth, Surrey10,11,12,13
Immigration5 Jun 1885, ‘Bombay’14 Age: 10
Death9 Apr 1946, Chatswood, NSW15,16 Age: 70
MemoEllen Moorhouse (diary)
BurialNorthern Suburbs Crematorium, North Ryde, NSW
Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001) Fri 31 Jan 194716
RE will of JANE ELIZABETH STEPHENS, late of Roseville,in the State of New South Wales, married woman, deceased.—Probate granted by Supreme Court of New South Wales on18th July, 1940, to James Benjamin Stephens, who died on13th August, 1946.—Pursuant to the Wills, Probata andAdministration Act, 1808-1940 (Testator's Family Maintenanceand Guardianship of Infants Act, 1916-1938, and Trustee Act,1925-1940), Geoffrey Leonard William Stephens, John RobertHobart and The Union Trustee Company of Australia Limited(Incorporated in Victoria), now, by virtue of the death of thesaid James Benjamin Stephens, the executors of the will ofthe said Jane Elizabeth Stephens, who died on 9th April, 1946,hereby give notice that creditors and others having any claimagainst or to the estate of the said deceased are required tosend particulars of their claims to thciu in care of the saidThe Union Trustee Company of Australia Limited at 2 O'Con-nell-street, Sydney, on or before the 31st March, 1947, at theexpiration of which time the said exccutors will distribute theassets of the slid deceased to the persons entitled, havingregard onlv to the claims of which they then have notice.—Dated 24th January, 1947. WALTER- LINTON & BEN-NETT, Proctors, 375 George-strcet, Sydney. 305—£1
Birth6 Aug 1867, Malvern, Vic
Death13 Aug 1946, Roseville, NSW6,7 Age: 79
MemoChatswood, NSW
Burial14 Aug 1946, Northern Suburbs Crematorium, North Ryde, NSW
OccupationQuarryman, Contractor8
Marriage30 Jan 1901, Congregational Church, Greenwich, NSW17