Stephens Pharo - Person Sheet
NameKREMER, Florence Amelia
Birth1871, Goulburn, NSW722
Death1903, Sydney, NSW723,724 Age: 32
Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940) Thu 17 Dec 1903724
Death.Residents of Goulburn will be sorry to hear ofthe sad death of a native of the district in the personof Mrs. Charles Stephen Moorhousen (Miss FlorrieKremer), seventh eldest daughter of the late Mr.Michael Kremer, who was a resident of Goulburnfor fully 40 years, in which district Mrs. Kremer,senior, still resides. The deceased lady died whileundergoing an operation at the Sydney Hospital onthe 11th instant. The remains were interred on thefollowing day at Rookwood cemetery in the presenceof her relatives and many friends. Much sympathyis felt for the mother, husband, sisters, and brothers.The deceased was a great favourite and made manyfriends during her residence in Sydney.
Death1945, Newton, NSW721 Age: 77
Marriage1900, Sydney, NSW90,725