Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameGLAETZER, Gustav Emil 
Leader (Angaston, SA : 1918 - 1954) Thu 28 Jun 1934
51943 Death of Mr. G. E. Glaetzer
Mr. Gustav Em
il (Jock) Glaetzer,aged 30, died at Nuriootpa on June17 after a long illness. He was a sonof Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Glaetzer, andwas born on December 5, 1903. Hewas confirmed at Nuriootpa Church byRev. Held, who also officiated at hismarriage to Amanda, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Linke, Nuri-ootpa, on July 21, 1926.He lived at Nuriootpa for the great-er part of his life, being a monumentalmason at Habich's works. He was amember of St Petri congregation, liv-ing his principles in a manner that wonfor him many friends who admired thefine qualities. The widow and a daugh-ter, Constance, survive, together withhis parents, five brothers and threesisters, who are Otto Glaetzer (Mel-ton), Max Glaetzer (Port Adelaide),Ern Glaetzer (Watervale), Will Glaet-zer (Clare), Richard Glaetzer (Chel-lenham), Mrs. L. Burgess (Kapunda),Mrs. J. Kelly (Tungkillo) and MissAmanda Glaetzer (Nuriootpa). A bro-ther, Charles, died six weeks ago.The Rev. F. A. Hartmann officiatedat the funeral in Nuriootpa Cemeteryon June 18, the bearers being Messrs.J. Habich, K. Lange, H. Falkenberg,K. Gertig, G. Schild and A. Lehmann.Mr. J. Keller had charge of the ar-rangements.