Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameGLAETZER, Eduard Carl 
Immigration7 Apr 1885, ‘Habsburg’107091 Age: 23
Northern Argus (Clare, SA : 1869 - 1954) Fri 30 Jul 1937
The death o
ccurred on July 14th,of Mr. Carl Edward Glaetzer, ofNuriootpa, at the age of 75 years.Mr. Glaetzer was born at Dresden,province of Brandenburg, Germany,on October 3rd, 1861. He lived inGermany until 1888, receiving hiseducation there and undergoing histhree years' course of military trainine. On November 21st, 1888, hearrived in Australia in the ship'Habsburg,' and settled at Nurioot-pa. On April 7th, 1885, prior toleaving Germany, he had marriedMiss Anna Marie Rosengarten, ofDresden.Mr. Glaetzer was a carpenter bytrade and during the 49 years helived at Nuriootpa, he worked invarious parts of the district. He hasbeen a member of the St. Petri Luth-eran congregation at Nuriootpa sincehis arrival in the town.He passed away on July 14th andwas laid to rest in the NuriootpaCemetery on July 15th, the Rev. R.Held officiating at the graveside. Mr.Glaetzer had been in failing healthfor some months and had had a shortillness before his death.In addition to a sorrowing widow,he leaves five sons and three daughters, two sons and a daughter hav-ing predeceased him. The daughtersare Miss Amunda Glaetzer (Nuri-ootpa), Mrs. L. Burgess (Kapunda),Mrs. J. Kelly (Parkside), while sonsare Messrs. Otto (Adelaide), Max(Port Adelaide), Ernest (Watervale), William (Clare), and Richard(Cheltenham).There was a large gathering atthe graveside and many beautifulfloral tributes were received.
Leader (Angaston, SA : 1918 - 1954) Thu 22 Jul 1937107092
Late Mr. E C. Glaetzer, Nuri.,Came Out When 27 to ReachSuccess in Land He PraisedMr. Eduard Carl Glaetzer, 75. ofNuriootpa, whose death on July 14 wasbriefly reported last issue, had been aresident of S.A. for nearly 49 years. Hewas tt man of bright mentality, andcheerfully told his life story for thesecolumns some years ago. He was hornon October 3, 1861, at Driesen, Brandenburg, Germany; which also was thehome town of Mrs. Glaetzer (nee MissAnna Marie Rosengarten), who sur-vives. Mr. Glaetzer became a carpenter, but contended that some of liishappiest years were three spent in theGerman army, when he rose to therank of sergeant of a Brandenburg infantry regiment.The German government of thosedays made every effort to encouragemilitarism, he once said; long servicein the army being a qualification forcivil service positions. A»policcinun,for instance, had first to have 12 yearsarmy training, whilst a place in therailways could be obtained after nineyears military service.Each army man in those days gota 6 lb. loaf of rye bread every fourdays, together with a small allowanceof meat and fresh coffee each morning. Pay was threepence a day. outof which the soldier had to pay forhis washing and boot polish.Working later in an implement factory, Mr. Glaetzer said he got 12/-for his 60-hour week; ordinary work-ers getting 9/-. Mrs. Glaetzer was indomestic service for a wage of 18/-a year, less deductions for outfits andother incidentals. On the other handa pair of strong boots cost 3/-, andpotatoes were 3d. per cwt.The couple were married in theirhome town on April 17, 1885. Mr.Glaetzer's sister (Mrs. Below) had sett-led in Australia, and largely on hervery favourable accounts, tiie coupleleft Germany on October 3, 1888, inthe Nord-Deutscher Lloyd steamer"Hapsburg." Years later, he said thedecision to emigrate had proved a veryfortunate one, for Australia was a landof glorious opportunity, for those un-afraid to work.On arrival, Mr. Glaetzer followedhis trade at Nuriootpa, receiving then30/- a week. He had at various timesbeen associated with Mr. B. Frey tag,the late Herm. Juncken, Mr. J. H.Traeger, the late J. H. Keuper (as acooper), and the late Mr. H. Krieg,who then had the brickyards. Surviv-ing with Mrs. Glaetzer are Messrs Otto(West Parkside), Max (Pt. Adelaide),Ern. (Watervale), Will (Clare), Dick(Cheltenham), Mrs. L. Burgess (Kap-unda), Mrs. J. Kelly (Parkside) andMiss Amanda Glaetzer (Nuriootpa).There are thirty grandchildren and agreat-grandchild.The funeral took place in NuriootpaCemetery on July 15, Rev. R. Heldofficiating. The bearers were Messrs.O. J. Krieg, E. Lange, H. Falkenberg,E. Gertig, E. Altus and A. Lehmann.
Birth14 Feb 1863
Immigration7 Apr 1885, ‘Hapsburg’107091 Age: 22
Death28 Sep 1951, Cheltenham, SA107094,7135 Age: 88
Marriage7 Apr 1885, Germany107091