Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameGAERTNER, Augusta Emma 
Birth25 May 1887, Freeling, SA68179
Death17 Jun 1951, Campbelltown, SA68180,68181 Age: 64
The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929) Wed 11 Jul 1928
WEDDINGS.SHERLOCK— GAERTNER.The wedding was celebrated at Freeling onJuly 7 of Emma, eldest daughter of Mrs. E.and the late Mr. A. Gaertner, and Matthew se-cond son of Mrs, and the late Mr. M. Sherlock,of Riverton. The Rev. E. Rohde officiated Thebride was given away by her brother (Mr. A.Gaertner) wore a frock of salmon-pink crepede chine, trimmed with champaign colour, blackhat. The matron of honour was Mrs. W. Gaert-ner, and the best man was Mr. A. Gaertner.The recepttion was given at the residence ofthe bride's mother, and the toast for the brideand groom was proposed by the best man, towhich the bridegroom suitably responded. Thebride's gift to the bridegroom was a set ofxylonite brushes, and the bridegroom's giftto the bride was a diamond brooch. Mr.and Mrs. Sherlock will spend their honeymoonat Victor Harbour.
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954) Mon 18 Jun 1951
68180 SHERLOCK.—On June 17, at
her residence, Lower North-East
rd., Campbelltown, Augusta
Emma, beloved wife of Matthew
Sherlock. Aged 64 years.
Death31 Jan 1960, Myrtle Bank, SA68184,68185 Age: 81