Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameCLISBY, Rosa 
Birthca 1842
Immigration10 Oct 1849, ‘Cheapside’ Age: 7
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Tue 8 Jan 1918
98317 Our obituary notices have recorded the
death of another old colonis
t, Mrs. C.E, Tidemann, widow of Mr. Charles Ed-ward Tidemann, auctioneer, and at one timea member of the Adelaide City Council,who passed away on Friday last at theage of 78 years. The deceased was adaughter of the late Mr. Redford Clisby,who opened the first musical instrumentwarehouse in Rundle-street. She was bornin London, and arrived in South Australia withher parents in the ship Cheapside inJanuary, 1848. Mrs. Tidemann enjoyedgood health until the death of her sister,
.... photo The late Mrs. C.E. Tidemann ....
Miss Clisby, about three months ago.The deceased lady was of a kindly dispo-sition, beloved by all, and will be sadlymissed. She was a member of the Wes-leyan Methodist Church, when serviceswere held in Gawler-place. The deceased'ssurviving relatives consist of a sister (Mrs.E. Mumme, of Hurtle-square), brother(Mr. Redford Clisby, of London), sons,Messrs. George (of.G. Wills & Co.),William (Adelaide Steamship CompanyLimited), Alfred (A.M.P. Society), andJames (British Imperial Oil Company),daughter, Mrs. W. K. Cathcart; also 21grandchildren.
Immigration1 Jan 1865, ‘Troas’98320 Age: 28
Burial30 Oct 1895, West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, SA98319,98320