Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameTIDEMANN, Charles Edward 
Immigration1 Jan 1865, ‘Troas’98320 Age: 28
Burial30 Oct 1895, West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, SA98319,98320
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Thu 31 Oct 1895
The remains of the late
Mr. Charles EdwardTidemann, auctioneer, of Young-street, Park-side, were interred on Wednesday afternoonin the West-terrace Cemetery. The deceasedgentleman was taken ill an October 14 withpleuropneumonia, and although at one stagethe illness was serious death was not antici-pated. He was porn in Bremer, Germany, on |Jane 6, 1836, and arrived in Adelaide onJanuary 1, 1865, being then 19 years of age.He was thus a colonist of 40 years, and forthat period has resided in this colony. Heleaves a widow, six sons-Mr. Charles Redford Tidemann (at present in Townsville,Queensland), and Messrs. Edward, George,and William, and Masters James and AlfredTidemann; two daughters—Mrs. W. A.Cathcart and Miss A. Tidemann—andone sister (Mrs. G. Hilfers). TheRev. B. J. Daddow officiated at thegrave. The chief mourners were:—Messrs.George, William, James, and Alfred Tide-mann (sons), Mr. G. Hilfers (brother-in-law).Miss Hilfers (niece), Mr. W. A. Cathcart(son-in-law), Mr. J. Coney (brother-in-law),Mrs. J. Coney (sister-in-law), Mrs. G. Mumme(sister-in-law), Mrs. T. Roach (sister-in-law),Messrs. G. Mumme, A. R. Mumme and H.Roach (nephews). There were also presentMessrs. Landvoght, C. Habich, A. Warucken,Blunt, E. Benda. J. N. Perry, T. Wynes,Gudge, Ohlmeyer, Patten, Sullivan, Wolt-man, G. W. Miller, A. Low, L. Bonython, J.M. Wendt, and Mesdames Wynes, Patten,and Peterson; also numerous other friends.The funeral arrangements were conducted byMessrs. Pengelley & Knabe.
Birthca 1842
Immigration10 Oct 1849, ‘Cheapside’ Age: 7