Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameSCHWARTZKOPFF, Wilhelm Theodor 
Birth27 Sep 1895, Tanunda, SA111513
Murray Pioneer (Renmark, SA : 1942 - 1950) Thu 27 Jul 1944
111515 Obituary References
Mr. Theodore William ("Ted")
Schwartzkopff was the third
Mr. T. W.
son ot thelate Mr. andM r s. O.Schwartz-kopff, of Ta-nunda. Hewas born atTanundanearly 49years ago,and had beena resident ofRenmark for22. years.Mr. Schwar-tzkopff's firstjob was in ablacksmith'sshop at Ta-nunda, fol-lowing whichhe spent five years at Waikeriefarming. It was on going toPort Pirie later that he becameassociated in a partnership withhis brother ("Buck") which con-tinued through "thick and thin,ups and downs", right up to thetime of his tragic death at thescene of his boyhood days. Thebrothers worked in the smeltersat Pirie for two or three years,and then moved on to BrokenHill where, they were employedin the South Mine.Deceased's first visit to Ren-mark was some time before heultimately settled here. Thebrothers for several years cameto Renmark from the Barrier tohelp with the fruit harvest, andlater, again spent some time atPort Pirie.On finally coming to, maketheir home at Renmark theSchwartzkopff brothers were en-gaged by Cuttle and Ogilvy intheir carrying business, and in1928 they acquired for themselvesthe business which they have sosuccessfully carried on since.Ted Schwartzkopff had been amember of the Renmark FireBrigade for 16 years, and wasalso a member of the RAOBlodge. In his younger dayshe was a very keen horseman,and was never happier than whentaming some outlaw.A widow and eight childrensurvive. The eldest son, Bill,is in the AIF, at present in Cen-tral Australia, and two othersons are following in their fath-er's footsteps in the carryingbusiness. Mr. Schwartzkopffalso leaves three brothers andfour sisters.Bearers at the funeral on Sun-day afternoon were Messrs. W.Prance, E. F. Evans, W. Roberts, H. Latz, F. Rice, and E.W. Egge.
Memohusband Arthur John DUNN
BurialRenmark, SA