Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameDUNN, Violet Maude 
Memohusband Arthur John DUNN
BurialRenmark, SA
Murray Pioneer and Australian River Record (Renmark, SA : 1913 - 1942) Thu 28 Jan 1937
111517 OBITUARYMrs. T. W. SchwartzkopffWith the death of Mrs. Violet MaudeSchwartzkopff at her home in 18th Stteet,Renmark, on Saturday, January 23,therepassed away the mother of eight children.Mrs. Schwartzkopff has been ill for sometwo years, but during that time had goneabout her household duties without flinch-ing. She, came from Mlldura to Ren-mark 17 years ago, and married Mr. T. W.Schwartzkopff. A good mother,she wasa fine needle woman and helped many.She also was an adept at making paperflowers for whoever required them. InRenmark Mrs. Schwartzkopff had manyfriends.The funeral took place on Monday, andwas conducted by. the Bev. Sllwood,of the Methodist church. Pall bearerswere Messrs. W. France, E. F. Evans, A.R. Grosskopff, and B. Fisher. Heavyrain fell during the funeral service. Ar-rangements were In the hands of Mr. A.Matulick.
Birth27 Sep 1895, Tanunda, SA111513