Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameMEINCK, Marie Louise Amalia 
Birth5 Jun 1852, Adelaide, SA55944
Deathca Feb 1934, Jamestown, SA118278 Age: 81
The Times and Northern Advertiser, Peterborough, South Australia (SA : 1919 - 1950)118278
ANOTHER PIONEER PASSES.Mrs. Marie Louise Ferguson, widow of the late Mr. George Ferguson, who died at her home, "Claymore," Jamestown, .recently, was oneof the early settlers of the Belaliedistrict. She was the second daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. CarlMeinck, and,was born at Woodville.South Australia, on June 5, 1852.She was educated at a private schoolin Stepney. After leaving school shewent with her parents to Clare,where they resided for seven years.When the northern areas were opened up, her father was one at thefirst settlers at Beialie, where Mrs,Ferguson had resided ever since. In1876 she married the late Mr. Geo.Ferguson, who for many years wasa director of the S.A. Farmers' Union. Though Mrs. Ferguson hadreached a ripe old age, and for anumber of years had been in delicate health, she had an excellentmemory, and would often speak ofincidents- of -the early days of theState and Beialie district. She wasalso a great reader. A family orfour sons and three daughters survive, Messrs. George and David Ferguson (Peterborough), Otto and AlexFerguson (Jamestown i. MesdamesHorace Cox (Parkside). Dave Walton (Wliarminda, West Coast), andMiss Ferguson (Jamestown).
Birthca 1847
Death23 Nov 1921, Caltowie, SA118279 Age: 74