Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameFERGUSON, George 
Birthca 1847
Death23 Nov 1921, Caltowie, SA118279 Age: 74
Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931) Sat 3 Dec 1921118279
ObituaryMr. G. Ferguson.By the death of Mr. George Ferguson,Of Claymore, Caltowie, the district has lastone of its oldest and most highly respectedresidents (says our local correspondent).The deceased was 74 years of age. He spenthis youth at Port Adelaide, and later wasengaged as a teamster in carting poles onthe overland telegraph line, and conveyingsupplies to Blinman and other places in thefar north. In April, 1871, he selected afarm in the Hundred of Caltowie, and hadresided there ever eince. Mr. Fergusonwas perhaps best known from his connec-tion with the Farmers Union, of which hewas one of the founders and a director for32 years. He was also a Vice-Presidentof the Belalie Agricultural Society, and
for many years a successful exhibitor andjudge of draught stock. For a number ofyears he was Councillor for the westernward. Mr. Ferguson was a member of theVictoria Masonic Lodge, Jamestown, for40 years. He was a liberal supporter ofthe local Anglican Church, and all patrioticmovements during the war had his heartysupport. Mr. Ferguson, who was married40 years ago, has left a widow, four sons(Messrs. George, of Peterborough; Otto, ofJamestown; David, of Peterborough; andAlexander, of Jamestown) and threedaughters (Mrs. G Wilson, of BarungaGap, and Misses Edith and Isabel Fer-guson, of Caltowie)
Birth5 Jun 1852, Adelaide, SA55944
Deathca Feb 1934, Jamestown, SA118278 Age: 81