Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameKOHLHAGEN, Johannes Heinrich 
Birth8 Dec 1849, Lobethal, SA11647
Death3 Feb 1909, Wagga Wagga, NSW11647,11648 Age: 59
Wagga Wagga Express (NSW : 1879 - 1917) Sat 6 Feb 190911650
The funeral of the late Mr JohannHeinrich Kohlhagen took place onThursday afternoon. The cortege,which was a lengthy one, and includ-ed a number of relatives of the de-ceased, left his late residence, TheRoping Poles, Uranquinty, at oneo'clock, for interment in The RockCemetery, which was reached at 3p.m. The remains were laid to restin the Lutheran portion of the ceme-tery. The Rev. Ernst Gutekunst(German Evangelist) conducting amost impressive service at the housein the German language, and also atthe graveside. He also conducted ser-
vice in the English for the Englishfriends at the graveside. The pall-bearers were Messrs J. F. Gold-schmidt, E. J. Hudd, H. Koth, andO. Schriner. The funeral was in thehands of Messrs McIntosh Bros., ofWagga.
Birth3 Sep 1852, Rowland Flat, SA11647
Death20 May 1934, Culcairn, NSW11647,11651 Age: 81