Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameKAUFFMANN, Anna Louise 
Birth3 Sep 1852, Rowland Flat, SA11647
Death20 May 1934, Culcairn, NSW11647,11651 Age: 81
The Henty Observer and Culcairn Shire Register (NSW : 1914 - 1950) Fri 25 May 193411652
The death occurred of Mrs AnnaLouise Kohlhagen, relict of the lateJohann Heinrich Kohlhagen. Thefuneral took place om. Monday Pas-tor Stolz conducted the burial serviceThe deceased, whose maiden namewas Krauffmann, was born on Decem-ber 3, 1852, at Rowland's Flat, SouthAustralia. In 1875 she married to herlate husband, and in 1905 came toN.S.W. and settled at Uranquinty,where her husband predeceased her in1909. In l910 she came to Walla withher family, where she had recidedsince. She was in her 82nd year, andis survived by four sons and one dau-ghter, one son having pre-deceasedher when he was a child. The surviv-ing children are : Messrs. F. W.Kohlhagen, Alma Park, Walla; J. H.Kohlhagen, Aug. Kohlhagen, Walla;E. G. Kohlhagen, Henty, and Mrs.Teusner, South Australia.
Birth8 Dec 1849, Lobethal, SA11647
Death3 Feb 1909, Wagga Wagga, NSW11647,11648 Age: 59