Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NamePRZIBILLA, Andreas 
Birth3 Nov 1835, Prussia265
Immigration12 Sep 1844, ‘George Washington’13847,1367 Age: 8
Burra Record (SA : 1878 - 1954) Wed 18 Sep 1895
13848 OBITUARY. — We regret having to record
the death of Mr. Andrew Przibilla, sen.,t
who died at the Burra Hospital on Th
ursdayevening last at the age of 62, after a lingeringillness from cancer. The deceased gentlemanwas well and favourably known in this district,having resided at Farrell's Flat for a long time,and subsequently resided at Baldina for thepast eight years where he carried on the occupa-tion of a farmer. His remains were removed fromthe Hospital on Saturday morning and interredin the Baldina Cemetery the same day. Hewas a very old colonist, having arrived in SouthAustralia 52 years ago. He leaves a wifeand thirteen children, and one great grand-child. One son (Mr. Andrew Przibilla, jun.)and one daughter (Mrs Jeffrey, of Schomburgh)are married.
Death3 Jan 1868, Angas Park, SA2320 Age: 32
Marriage12 Apr 1857, Kapunda, SA2320
Death13 Jun 1939265 Age: 88
Marriage1 Feb 1872, Farrell Flat, SA265