Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameTESTROW, John 
Birthca 1822, Liverpool, Lancashire36193
Immigration15 Oct 1843, ‘Lord Petre’ Age: 21
Memotransported convict to Hobart
Burial9 Aug 1907, West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, SA36193,36698
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Fri 9 Aug 1907
36698TESTROW.—THE FRIENDS of the late Mr.
STROW are respectfully informedthat his Remains will be interred in theWest-terrace Cemetery.
THE FUNERAL is appointed to more from theresidence of his DAUGHTER (Mrs. J. Cook), 12,Carrington-street, on FRIDAY, at 3 p.m.J. B. SIEBERT & SONS, Undertakers,Adelaide, 'Phone 682; Port Adelaide, 'Phone 289.
Birthca 1830, Kilrush, County Clare, Ireland36193
ImmigrationJan 1849, ‘Pemberton’36193 Age: 19
Memoarrived Melbourne