Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameBOYLE, Mary 
Birthca 1830, Kilrush, County Clare, Ireland36193
ImmigrationJan 1849, ‘Pemberton’36193 Age: 19
Memoarrived Melbourne
Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954) Sat 10 Jan 1891
36700TESTROW.-At Glenburnie, on the 8th inst., Mary
Testrow, bolovcd wife of John Testrow, of Mount
Gambier, aged 61 years.
The Funeral of the late MRS. TESTROW will leave the
residence of Mr. John Potter, Glenburnie, TO-
MORROW (Sunday) at one o'cloc
k. Friends willplease accept this intimation.
Birthca 1822, Liverpool, Lancashire36193
Immigration15 Oct 1843, ‘Lord Petre’ Age: 21
Memotransported convict to Hobart
Burial9 Aug 1907, West Terrace Cemetery, Adelaide, SA36193,36698