Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904) Saturday 13 June 1903
The death of Mr. James Scandrett took
place at his late residence. Kapunda, on
Monday morning. The deceased gentleman
was born at Ballymena, County Antrim.
Ireland, on July 25, 1836. and airived in
the state at the age of three years on De
cember 24, 1839, in the ship Delhi. Mr.
Scandrett occupied a position in the Go-
vernment Printing Office for some years,
and in 1864 he, in conjunction with the late
Mr. James Elliott, established and carried
on until the time of his death The Kapunda
Herald. His partner, Mr. Elliott, died
about 20 years ago. Mr. Scandrett was
thorough, in his journalistic enterprise. He
had the love of his profession and employes
at heart, and left no stone unturned to fur-
ther the interests of the town and district.
In public matters he was deeply interested,
and took a leading part in any movements
by which the status of the town and district
would be upheld. He took over the sec-
retaryship of the Kapunda and Light Agri
cultural Society when the society needed
help, and for some years carried it on, de
clining any remuneration for services. The
society eventually presented him with a
gold watch in recognition of his services.
He was a member of four societies—
Freemasons, Sir John Franklin Lodge,
I.O.O.F., M.U..Good Samaritan Lodge (Odd
fellows), and Court Rose of the Forest—
and took a prominent part in all. He
was initiated a Freemason in 1873, and was a
P.S.W. of the local lodge. He was also
treasurer at the time of his death, having
held the position since 1895. As a member
of the other lodges he had held responsible
positions. He Went to the Northern Ter-
ritory at the time of the great rush, and
prospected with other local residents. In
his youth he was an ardent cricketer. and
had in his possession a silver-mounted bat
presented to him by the then famous Eas-
tern Suburban Cricket Club in December.
1864. Mr. Scandrett has left a widow, five
sons, and three daughters.