Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameDIENELT, Johann Georg Heinrich 
Birth23 Nov 1807, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Niedersachsen
Immigration1 Jan 1855, ‘Johan Caesar’6620,844 Age: 47
Death22 Feb 1898, Blumberg, SA65670,6620 Age: 90
Adelaide Observer (SA : 1843 - 1904) Sat 5 Mar 189865671
BLUMBERG, Thursday.On Tuesday night death romoved one of ouroldest and most respected townsmen Jn theperson of Mr. George Henry Dienelt at theripe age of ninety years. He arrived in thecolony from Hanover in 1843, and after livingfor three years in Adelaide he camĀ© to Blumborg, where he had resided ovor. since, carryingon hisjrade as a shoemaker, which business herelinquished a few years since on account ofadvancing ago. He was of a quiet dispositionand much respected in the township. Thefuneral took place at the German Cemeterythis afternoon in the presence of numerous re-lations and friends.
Birth1 Nov 1807, Osterode, Saxony
Immigration1 Jan 1855, ‘Johan Caesar’844 Age: 47
Death4 Feb 1882, Blumberg, SA65672 Age: 74
MarriageDec 1839, Osterode, Saxony