Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Thu 22 Jul 1937
104443Mrs. E. Brighton
Mrs. Elsie Brighton, 54, who died in
the Naracoorte Hospital on June 29,
after an illness of three months, was
a daughter of Mr. G. W. Gillies, ol
Bordertown, and was born at Padtha-
way. She lived at Padthaway, Lake
Roy, all her life. She was marrie
d toMr. Percy J. Brighton in 1904, andthere was a family of six daughtersand three sons. There are threedaughters married, three single, andthe three sons, who all reside in theNaracoorte district. Mesdames W. J.Brighton and F. Errington, ol Nara-coorte, are sisters of the deceased.M. W. G. Gillies, of Murray Bridge,is a brother. She also left ninegrandchildren.