Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
Birth1879, Patrick Plains, NSW122496
Death10 Jul 1942, District Hospital, Narrabri, NSW122497,122498 Age: 63
The North Western Courier (Narrabri, NSW : 1913 - 1955) Mon 13 Jul 1942122497
OBITUARY.The death occurred at the DistrictHospital on Friday, July 10th, of MrGeorge Stoltenberg, aged 63 years, awell-known and respected identity ofNarrabri district. Born at Belford,Singleton, he came to Narrabri whenten years of age with his parents,who took up the Mount Pleasant property. After following farm work forsome years he started a carryingbusiness and resided at NarrabrlWest. The late Mr Stoltenberg wasa member of the Stoltenberg familywho helped in the earlier days tomake a district by their hard work infarming. One brother, Henry, survives him and five sisters namely:Mrs. Stoltenberg, former of MountPleasant, Mesdames Meppem (Sydney), J. Schatz (Dangar Village),Quinn (Manly), Lillyman (Manly).He also leaves a wife, two daughtersand two sons. The two sons Normanand Henry are on Army service. Thefuneral service was conducted at theChurch of England Church and graveside by Canon Young. Floral tributeswere laid on the grave.
Birth2 Jan 1878, Gulgong, NSW65765
Death25 Feb 1962, Petersham, NSW65765 Age: 84
Marriage1902, Sydney, NSW122499