Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameDRIES, Barbara 
Birthca 1856
FatherDRIES, William
The North Western Courier (Narrabri, NSW : 1913 - 1955) Mon 9 Mar 1931122995
OBITUARY.MRS BARBARA STOLTENBERGThe late Mrs Barbara Stoltenberg, whose death was reported in anearlier issue of the 'Courier,' wasfor 41 years a resident of the Narra-bri district, and for thirty of thoseyears lived at Mount Pleasant, whereher husband (the late Mr JohnStoltenberg) had a splendid vineyard,and established a reputation for excellence of the wine he crushed.Deceased, who came to Australiawith her parents when 6 years ofage, was 88 years old when deathclaimed her, and leaves six daughters viz: Mrs A. Stoltenberg, Mait-land Street, Narrabri; Mrs G. SchatzDangar Village; Mrs G. E. Meppem,Mayfield, Kilgowla; Mrs A.T. Mep-pem, Coolangatta, Queensland; MrsJ. D. Quinn, Manly; Mrs C. Lillyman,Manly, and two sons, George Stolten-berg, Cooma, West Narrabri, andHenry Stoltenberg, Bohena Creek;There are 33 grandchildren. MrsStoltenberg was predeceased by herhusband in 1921, and also six children, three daughters and three sons.The remains were interred in theChurch of England Cemetery, Narrabri, the Rev. Canon Miller officiating.
Birthca 1841
MemoNarrabri, NSW
John C (1869-1871)
Catherine Elizabeth (1871-1873)
Elena (1874-1976)
Anne (1875-)
Sarah Johanna (1880-1882)
Henry (1882-1971)
Amelia (1885-)
Elsie unice (1887-)
Laura (ca1888-1892)
William (-1893)
Eveline (1895-)