Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameTUCHOLKE, Johann Gustav
Birth29 Jul 1848, Nekla Hauland, Posen, Prussia61844,935
MemoJames August
Immigration29 Nov 1856, ‘Vesta’419,935 Age: 8
Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Sat 26 May 192861844
MR. JOHN TOHOLKE.Mr. John Toholke, a highly-respectedresident of Jamestown, died onSunday. He was born in Germany,on July 29, 1848, and came toSouth, Australia in 1855 and settled atAuburn, where he worked on a farmwith Mr. Schmerl. From there he wentto Black Rock and thence to Comooroo,where he engaged in farming for 45 years.On December, 29, 1885, he was married toMiss Mary Penn at Walloway. Eightyears ago Mr. Toholke went to Jamestown,He took no prominent part in public life,and his particular hobby was gardening.He was connected with the MethodistChurch. A widow, four sons, and fivedaughters survive. They are Messrs. AJ. Toholke (Prospect), L.C. ToholkeKooringa, and E. Tokolke (Adelaide), Mrs.Humble (Western Australia), Miss E.Toholke (Jamestown), Mesdames F. Scriven(Happy Valley), J. Wisnervke, andR. Chellew (Jamestown). There are fourgrandchildren.
Death6 Jun 1875, Mannanarie, SA935 Age: 19
Marriage17 Jun 1874, Residence Of Mr Hall, Mannanarie, SA61846
Marr MemoJohn TOHOLKE
Marriage30 Dec 1885, Bible Christian Church, Rye, SA124464
Marr MemoJohn TOHOLKE