Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHILDEBRAND, Anne Elizabeth 
Birthca 1872, Ballarat, Vic125671
Death17 Nov 1952, Centennial Park, NSW125671 Age: 80
Home Newspapers & Gazettes Browse The West Wyalong Advocate (NSW : 1928 - 1954) Thu 20 Nov 1952
Death of Mrs.A. V. HaubThe death occured of .Mrs.Anna Elizabeth Haub of Springwood on Monday, 17th. Novem-ber. Mrs. Haub who had beenailing for some time, passed
away at the resident of herdaughter Mrs. A. J. Bramby, ofCentennial Park.The late Mrs. Haub was theeldest daughter of the late Mr.and Mrs. Conrad Hildebrand,who were anions the early pioneers of this district. She wasborn at Ballarat 80 years ago.She first went with ner parentsto live at Young, but 67 yearsago came to this district whereMr. Hildebrand, senior selecteda property which comprises theDitchfield and Vinecombe prop-erties. At the time the Gagieand Lange families were theonly settlers in that localityso that Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrandand their family of eleven sonsand daughters were among theearliest pioneer settlers in thisdistrict.Mrs. Haub married the lateJacob Haub and settled at"Wattle Flat", Calleen, wherethey lived for many years, rear-ing a family of six daughtersand one son. Later they retiredto Bellevue Hill, where the lateMr. Haub predeceased her 27years ago. During the time theylived in the Calleen district theysaw many changes, such as theextension of the railway. Priorto this, all wheat and wool wascarted by waggons to the railhead at Temora.Pioneering a district was noeasy task but Mr. and Mrs.Haub were true pioneers andwon through many difficultiesand trials. They were well andfavourably known being good[ neighbours and when they leftthe district was poorer for theirgoing. Their property has sincebeen sub-divided, but portionit is still known as "WattleFlat".The remains were brought toWest Wyalong by Wednesday'strain. The funeral cortege pro-ceeded directly from train tocemetery. The Church of Eng-land service at the gravesidewas conducted by the Rev.Canon W. E. Butler. The pall-bearers were her grandsons,Messrs. George. Carl, Basil, GusHaub. The local mortuary ar-rangements were in the handsof Messrs. R. and G Stephenson.Deceased is survived by oneson and sis daughters. The sonis Mr. George Haub of Burcher,I and the 'daughters are Hilda(Mrs. Clarke of Bellevue Hill)I Mabel, (Mrs. Shepherd of Ma-roubra). Sybil, (Mrs. King),Gertie (Mrs. Bramby), Thelmk'(Mrs. Hall of Spring wood) Ha-bel (Mrs. Parker) of Maroubra.There is one surviving bro-tber, David of New ' Zealand,and-two filters. Mrs. Thompsonand Miss Mary Hildebrand ofLidcombe.One brother John died shortly after the family came tothis district, and she was alsopredeceased by one brother (MrConrad Hildebrand), Mrs. My-ers, Mrs. T. J. Lavell, Mrs. O'Halloran, Mrs. Lynch and Mrs.McMullan, who died on the I8thNovember.
Marriage1894, West Wyalong, NSW125675