Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameHAUB, George Jacob 
The Wyalong Advocate and Mining, Agricultural and Pastoral Gazette (NSW : 1900 - 1928) Tue 12 Feb 1924125674
OBITUARYMR. JACOB HAUBLocal and district residents received quite a shock when the sadnews came through at noon onFriday last that Mr. Jacob Haubhad died in Sydney that morning.It was only about a fortnight previously that Mr. Haub had beenon a visit to the district, and waslooking the picture of health forone of his years. It appears thatthree or four months ago, Mr.Haub contracted influenza in asevere form, from which he recovered. Shortly after his return to his home at Bondi recently, he contracted influenzaagain. He had only been ill fortwo or three days, under medicaltreatment, when he collapsed anddied on Friday morning.The late Mr. Haub was 56 yearsof age. Thirty-three years ago,he and his brother Chris, came,across from Young and took, up Iland at Hiawatha, which was thena veritable "howling wilderness."Needless to say, they had an uphill battle and suffered many hardships and set-backs for a numberof years, but they were made ofthe right stuff for pioneering workand saw it through. Until thetownship of West Wyalong wasestablished, they had to go toYoung or Temora for their supplies. Deceased was one of thebest farmers of the district, andhis practical knowledge, combined with indomitable courage andenterprise, brought him to thestage—a little over 12 months ago—where he and his wife were enabled to retire. They purchased afine home at Bondi, where theyhave been enjoying a well-earnedrest—Mr. Haub paying occasional visits here in connection withhis interests. It is a melancholyfact that a good proportion of ourpioneers—after years of priva-tion and strenuous work—do notlive long after retirement to enjoy,the fruits of their labor. Mr.Haub was of a kindly, amiabledisposition, highly respected andesteemed throughout the town anddistrict. The large number whoattended the funeral on Mondaymorning was ample proof of this.The remains were brought toWest Wyalong by train on Monday, and were interred in; theChurch of England portion of thecemetery, alongside -those of oneof his children who died yearsago. The Rev. C. S. Robertsonofficiated at the graveside, and thelocal funeral arrangements wereconducted by Mr. MillsDeceased leaves a widow, oneson and six daughters to mourntheir sad loss. The daughters reside with their mother at Bondi,whilst the son, George, lives atHiawatha. Mr. C. Haub, of Hia-watha, Messrs William and LewisHaub, of Young, are brothers,whilst Mrs. O. Cattle and Mrs.Tideman, Young, are sisters ofthe deceased. His aged motheralso resides at Young. All werepresent at the funeral except Mr.Chris Haub, who could not leaveSydney owing to the serious illness of bis wife.Deceased has been a member ofthe Manchester Unity Oddfellowssince 1895. Members of the WestWyalong Lodge marched in procession, and the Oddfellows service at the graveside was conduc-ted by District Secretary Bro. T.A. Smith.
Birthca 1872, Ballarat, Vic125671
Death17 Nov 1952, Centennial Park, NSW125671 Age: 80
Marriage1894, West Wyalong, NSW125675