Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameLINDNER, Ernst August
MemoBlack Springs, SA
BurialAnglican Cemetery, Coolamon, NSW
Daily Advertiser (Wagga Wagga, NSW : 1911 - 1954) Tue 1 Jun 195426039
ObituaryMR. E. A. LINDNERThe death occurred in theWagga Base Hospital of Mr.Ernest August Lindner of 96Railway Street, Wagga, andformerly of "Lindoris", Too-yal, via Coolamon, at the ageof 88 years. He was born atSprington (S.A.) and he re-sided in the Tooyal districtfor many years, where he wasa well known farmer andgrazier. Of late years he livedin retirement in Wagga andhe still retained his propertyinterests In the Coolamondistrict. His wife predeceasedhim in 1940. He is survived byone son, Eric Ernest of LaneCove, one brother, Rudolph ofAdelaide and three sisters,Mrs. Howell of Albury, Mrs.Schultz of Burrumbuttock,and Mrs. Sweck of Pymbleand his daughter-in-law Mrs.G. A Lindner of 96 RailwayStreet, Wagga. His funeralwill take place on Wednesday.The cortege will leave theLutheran Church, Forsyth,Street, Wagga, after a ser-vice commencing at 1 p.m. forthe Coolamon Cemetery. Itwill arrive at the CoolamonCemetery at 2.30 p.m.
Memoreg. Albury, NSW
Death10 May 1940, "Lindoris", Tooyal Via Coolamon, NSW4356,26041,26042 Age: 68
Memoreg. Coolamon, NSW
BurialAnglican Cemetery, Coolamon, NSW4356,26043
Marriage11 Oct 1893, Corowa, NSW4356