Moad Oates - Person Sheet
NameJACOBS, Isaac Abraham 
Birth23 Mar 1823, Wenhaston Suffolk883,3787
BurialWattle Flat, NSW883
Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal (NSW : 1851 - 1904) Sat 30 Mar 18893788
Magisterial Inquiry.On Thursday afternoon an inquiry was held, atKelso, before J. B. Dulhunty, Esq., J.P., touchingthe death of a man named Isaac Jacobs, who hadbeen living in Rutherford's lane, and who was founddead in a paddock near his residence.Thomas Ablen deposed : I was going up for a loadof wood in Hereford paddock, this morning, when Isaw a dray and a horse standing in the paddock ; Iwent up to the dray and looked about, but couldnot see anyone ; I then went on, and saw the bodyof a man on the ground, about 80 yards from thedray ; I only looked at the body, but did not get offmy dray to examine him ; I then went back toMr. Rutherford's, and told a woman that therewas a man lying dead in the paddock ; I knowdeceased well, but, as I did not go very close to him,I did not recognise him ; he was lying on his back ;I did not examine deceased, because I am very timidof dead men.Margaret Jacobs deposed : I am wife of deceased ;he left home this morning to get a load of wood fromthe paddocks ; when he left home he was complain-ing of internal pains ; he had been up during thenight ; I tried to persuade him not to go to work butas he had borrowed a horse to draw the wood hewould not stop ; he did not come home to dinner andI was beginning to feel anxious, but my son saidvery likely he had stopped on the road to have ayarn ; just then a man on the road called out to usthat there was a man dead in Hereford paddocks ;about eighteen months ago he had a bad fit and hasnot been quite well since.By Dr. Bassett : He had not seen any doctor forone year ; when he saw Dr. Machattie twelve monthsago he was told that his heart was affected ; he wasabout 60 years of age and was a native of Suffolk,England.Senior-Constable Sutton, of Bathurst MountedPolice, deposed : About one o'clock this afternoon,from information received, I went with three menand a waggonette to bring the dead body from thepaddock ; I found the body lying on the back withthe right leg drawn up ; I examined the body butcould not find any marks of violence ; I then ex-amined the ground and I saw tracks where a horseand dray had been standing ; there was an axe and apiece of wood within eight feet of the body of de-also a whip and hames were lying next to the body ;there was nothing broken about the dray ; there wasno sign of any struggle having taken place ; I thenfollowed the track of the dray and found that thenear wheel had passed within three inches of the right foot of deceased ; the horse had broken awayfrom the dray, the shafts were on the ground andthe wood had shifted from the dray down on to theshafts, but had not broken them ; the cart was 80yards from the body ; from the appearance I believethat deceased had been doing something to theharness when he had fallen down, and the dray hadmoved on.Dr. Bassett deposed : I have made a post mortemexamination of the body of deceased ; I found noevidence of any external injury ; I found the rightlung completely disorganised, with evidence of recentpneumonia ; there was a good deal of fatty depositabout the heart ; in my opinion the cause of deathwas disease of the lung and the condition of theheart.Finding — "That deceased died from disease ofthe lungs and the bad condition of his heart."
Birth9 Dec 1818, Hawkesbury, NSW3789
Death3 Apr 1895, Gosford, NSW3790 Age: 76
MemoMary CRAFT
ChildrenIsaac Henry (1847-1929)
Birth5 Nov 1832, County Cavan, Ireland883,3791
Immigration15 Jan 1840, ‘Crusader’3791 Age: 7
Death20 Jun 1915, Bathurst, NSW883,3791 Age: 82
Burial22 Jun 1915, Church Of England Cemetery, Wattle Flat, NSW883,3792
Marriage9 Aug 1848, St Andrew Presbyterian Church, Sydney, NSW883