Moad Oates - Person Sheet
NameCAMPBELL, Margaret 
Birth5 Nov 1832, County Cavan, Ireland883,3791
Immigration15 Jan 1840, ‘Crusader’3791 Age: 7
Death20 Jun 1915, Bathurst, NSW883,3791 Age: 82
Burial22 Jun 1915, Church Of England Cemetery, Wattle Flat, NSW883,3792
National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954) Thu 24 Jun 19153792
The funeral of the late Mrs. Mar-garet Jacobs took place on Tuesday,the burial being at Wattle Flat, in theChurch of England cemetery. Manyfriends and relatives attended, and anumber journeyed from Bathurst.The coffin was of polished cedar, withsilver mountings, the emblems, 'Mo-ther' and 'At Rest,' being on thelid. Rev. Mr. Ramsay (Sofala) offi-ciated at the graveside. The chiefmourners were Messrs. William,James and Ernest Jacobs (sons), Mrs.Maquire and Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan'sfamily (grand children), Mr. and Mrs.Sullivan, daughter, and other rela-tives. Mr. W. Boyd conducted thefuneral.
Birth23 Mar 1823, Wenhaston Suffolk883,3787
BurialWattle Flat, NSW883
Marriage9 Aug 1848, St Andrew Presbyterian Church, Sydney, NSW883