Moad Oates - Person Sheet
NameBANHAM, William
Birthca 1864
Leader (Orange, NSW : 1899 - 1945) Fri 8 May 1914
(From our correspondents.)
Mr. W. Banham's death caused gen-
eral regret amo
ngst a large circle offriends, and much sympathy is feltfor the grief stricken widow and foursons.
National Advocate (Bathurst, NSW : 1889 - 1954) Wed 6 May 1914
8286 Found Drowned
CASE AT ORANCE.INQUEST HELD.ORANGE, Tuesday.An inquiry was held at the CourtHouse on Saturday by Deputy Coro-ner J. M. Paul to. inquire into thecircumstances surrounding the deathof William Banham who was founddead on Thursday afternoon in a shal-low pool of water at the back of a cir-cus near the Lands Office.Dr. N. R. Howse, Government Medi-cal Officer, stated : At the morgue thismorning, I examined the. body of de-ceased. From what I have heard fromthe police, and from what I found inmy examination, in my opinion thecause of death was suffocation bydrowning. It is possible, deceasedcould have been seized with a faintingfit, and, falling into water, could havebeen drowned in six inches of water.Alfred Honey, circus performer atSt. Leon's Circus, stated: We wereshowing in the reserve near theLands Office. From what some, chil-dren told me, I went to a waterholenear the circus and saw the body ofa man in the water. I then reportedthe matter to Inspector Armytage.There was a bank a few feet high nearthe water, and there were marks of aperson having slipped down the bank.Grace Louisa Banham, wife of deceased, stated : I reside at Huntley.On April 30 I came into Orange withmy husband, and was with him dur-ing the day and up to 7 p.m. I didnot see him after that. He then wentto the circus. During last week Inoticed that my husband was worrying. He never at any time mention-ed, taking his own life. Deceasedwas troubling himself about the pur-chase of land. Deceased was 50 yearsof age, and was a native of Windsor.In regard to his financial positlon, hehad nothing to worry about.Josiah Ginns, farmer at Huntley,stated : I came into Orange on Thurs-day and was with deceased. At nightwe went to the circus. Deceasedwent out at half-time, and I expectedhis return. When he did not comeback I made a search for him afterthe circus. When I did not find himI reported the matter to the police.Whilst having tea I noticed deceasedwas despondent. When half-waythrough he ceased eating. I askedhim to have some more, and he said,"It is no good to me; I can't go on."I have known deceased for 40 years,and he was of temperate habits. Ihave not known him to worry. Hewas troubled over the purchase of afarm.Henry Armytage, sanitary inspectorfor the Municipal Council of Orange,stated : On May 1st my attention, wasdrawn to a hole in the reserve by oneof the circus men. I went across andsaw the body of a man. I informedthe police. Later I assisted ConstableGraham to remove the body from thewater. I saw on the left-hand sidebank, which was about four feet high,marks of where a person had slippeddown into the water. There were nomarks of a struggle having takenplace.Constable Graham stated: On the1st inst. I proceeded to the reservenear the Lands Office, where I saw Mr.Armytage, who informed me that thebody of a man was in a waterholeOn going to the spot I saw a man fullydressed, and wearing an overcoat, inthe water. I removed it to the bank.On searching the body I found £16 1s7 1/2d in the pockets. The money wasmade up of gold, silver, copper, andcheques. I also found a watch andchain, several receipts, and other artic-les. I had the body removed to themorgue. There were no mark's ofviolence on the. body. The depth ofthe water was about 18 inches to 2 feet.First-class Mounted-constable Kiernan, stationed at Spring Hill, stated:I went to the hospital and identifiedthe body as that of William Banham,a farmer at Huntley. Deceased wasof temperate habits.The Deputy-Coroner returned a find-ing that deceased died from suffocationcaused by drowning.Deceased leaves a wife, (nee MissTressider) and four sons, Aubrey, Eric,Wilfred, and Norman.
Birth1871, Tambaroora, NSW8288
Marriage1892, Orange, NSW8291