Lehmann Henschke - Person Sheet
NameMEINCK, Carl Christoph Theodor 
Birth6 Jan 1824, Straltund, Pommerania, Prussia118263
Immigration10 Sep 1849, ‘Australia’118263,2993 Age: 25
Death24 Jul 1904, "Greenhills”, WA Age: 80
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931) Fri 29 Jul 1904
Lyndoch, July 7.
Mr. Carl Meinck. an old colonist late ofRound Hill Quorn, died at his re-sidence, "Greenhills" Western Australia,on Sunday, at the age of 80 years. Hewas born on January 6, 1824, at Straltund,Pommeru, Prussia, and arrived in Ade-laide in September, 1849, by the Australia,with his wife and one son. He was one ofthe first land selectors at Belalie, and wasfor many years a councillor in the districtcouncil, and also a member of the schoolboard. In 1880 he left Jamestown forthe north, where he remained until Januaryof the present year. He then left for theWest. In 1882 he was appointed a justiceof the peace. He was also the first chair- man of the Kanyaka District Council, andwas for several years clerk of that body.There survive him two sons-Mr. O. H.Meinck, of Greenhills, West Australia, andM. R Meinck, of Boulder City, and fourdaughters-Mrs. A. Lewis, of Trial Hill,Lyndoch, Mrs. George Fergusson, of James-town, Mrs. T. H. Pearse, of The Gumsstations, Bundey, and Mrs. P. E. Kelly, ofBoolcunda East. There are 20 grand-children and two great-grandchildren.
Birthca 1821
Immigration10 Sep 1849, ‘Australia’2993 Age: 28